High risk pregnancies can be frightening, and it is important to seek out and receive good care during a high risk pregnancy. Fortunately, there are OB/GYNs, otherwise known as perinatologists, out there who have received additional training specifically for high risk pregnancies. In this post, we discuss the factors that may contribute to high risk pregnancy and general information about perinatologists.

What makes a pregnancy “high risk”?

According to the Mayo Clinic, pregnancies can be considered high risk from one factor or several in concert. Factors include:

  • “Advanced” maternal age, i.e., being over the age of 35
  • Prior abortions and abdominal surgeries, which can leave scarring
  • Three or more prior miscarriages
  • Maternal health issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and cancer
  • Being pregnant with more than one child
  • Problems with past pregnancies, including:
    • Preterm labor
    • Pre-eclampsia
    • Eclampsia
  • Lifestyle choices, such as smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol during pregnancy
  • Family history of genetic conditions
  • History of pregnancy loss or death of a baby shortly after birth

Generally, if an expectant mother has any such pregnancy risk factors, she should speak with her OB/GYN about seeing a perinatologist. Additionally, according to Dr. Rachel Humphrey of Florida Hospital, perinatologists generally evaluate unborn babies in women over the age of 35 because women under the age of 35 have more eggs, “making it easier to get pregnant and having less risk of pregnancy complications.”Perinatologists

According to Colleen Monday of Florida Hospital, a perinatologist is a “physician that works in conjunction with a patient’s obstetrician when pregnancy complications develop and is able to provide care for both the mom and the unborn baby. A perinatologist has completed four years of medical school training, four years of obstetrics and gynecology residency program and two – three years of maternal-fetal medicine fellowship program.” Thus, perinatologists are typically highly qualified in helping with difficult pregnancies by way of extensive experience, training, and knowledge.

If your loved one has suffered complications from birth injury resulting from negligence during the birthing process, call us for help. We will talk to you and review your case for free. The Tyrone Law Firm specializes in representing those who have suffered a devastating injury, such as birth injuries or traumatic brain injury resulting from the negligence of another. Our personal injury firm here in Atlanta has a very successful record of trying such cases.

Nelson Tyrone handles Brain Injury, Spine Injury and RSD/CRPS cases throughout the United States. He involves only the top medical, rehabilitation and life-care plan experts in the field. His results on behalf of clients include several of the largest settlements and verdicts on record, and he was recently able to obtain a $13.9 million verdict, one of the largest in the state of Georgia, for a birth injury client in 2014.

You can reach us at 404-377-0017 or via email at admin@tyronelaw.com. If we can’t help you, we will do our best to put you into the hands of lawyers who can.

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